
Razmig Keucheyan, The Left Hemisphere: Mapping Critical Theory Today, Verso, 2014. I wasn’t sure what to expect when I started reading this; I worried that it might be simply be a checklist of thinkers and ideas on the left today, that it would be dry and schematic, or that it...

Sometimes I'll mention that people in the humanities don't use "data" to describe sources, and ppl get mad at me? I guarantee you it's true.— Miriam Posner (@miriamkp) April 26, 2017 data specialists and data librarians in particular get mad at me, I should say.— Miriam Posner (@miriamkp) April 26,...

Note: spoilers for s01e04 The Americans, for anyone who doesn’t know, is a TV show that started in 2013, following the lives of two Soviet sleeper agentsi in the early 1980s, a husband and wife team who have been operating in the US since 1963. The show was inspired by...

V.I. Lenin, ‘Left-Wing’ Communism, an infantile disorder (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency, 1970). Originally published in 1920. In his “Study on the Unity of [Lenin’s] Thought” of 1924, Georg Lukacs argued that the “core of Lenin’s thought” was the actuality of the proletarian revolution. When I first read this, I was...

My proposal had been submitted last year and I had been planning to attend the upcoming Libraries, Archives, and the Anthropocene Colloquium hosted in New York by Litwin Books, but due to the unethical travel ban implemented since then by the US Government, I have decided not to travel to...