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NOTE: I’ve written previously about algorithmic bias from a Marxist perspective here

What does “algorithmic bias” mean at the level of computer science classes or writing code? When I took computer science classes, the basic tendency of what was taught was that procedures are the encoding of algorithms. Admittedly that was many years ago, but nothing I’ve read in computer science literature since then indicates a change. To write a computer program to solve a problem (i.e. really, to perform a task) you break the task down into component parts and write those parts out as steps connected by various kinds of flow logic. Flow logic can include decision logic, but it basically means any point at which the operating “direction” of the program changes. The program, with its procedures and flow logic, contains one or more (often many) algorithms written out as code. Every decision the programmer makes - from the initial analysis of the problem to be solved, to the way larger steps are broken up into smaller ones, to the form and content of flow logic and decision points, are places where “algorithmic bias” get inserted.

I should back up here, though, and say that I don’t think “bias” is the right term. It implies, to my mind, the existence of some kind of neutral, unbiased code that is then swayed or corrupted, prejudiced one way or another. This kind of code is an impossibility: the encoding of decision points always abstracts from reality, and as in every abstraction, some elements of reality are given more weight in the abstraction than others. Additionally, “bias” implies an individual relationship to the world, one that is incorrect (or unconscious) and which can be corrected. But that could only be the case if capitalism was not racist, sexist, heteronormative, etc, and racism, sexism, heteronormativity were then mistakes, rather than produced by racial capitalist social relations themselves. Bias suggests that racism and sexism are individual mistakes to be corrected by bringing them inline with the non-racist or non-sexist world, rather than reflections of the racism and sexism of capitalism itself.

At the software level, then, “bias” goes along with the idea that there is some kind of non-algorithmic code, to which algorithms (or worse, “an algorithm”) can be added or not. In the wake of the grades fiasco in the UK recently, the Guardian ran a headline that read: “Councils scrapping use of algorithms in benefit and welfare decisions”. One line in the story read as follows: “The use of artificial intelligence or automated decision-making has come into sharp focus after an algorithm used by the exam regulator Ofqual downgraded almost 40% of the A-level grades assessed by teachers.” There are two things going on here. One is the idea that there are non-algorithmic and algorithmic computer programs, and the other is that algorithms have agency. These two positions reflect bourgeois ideology first of the possibility of neutrality (i.e. non-algorithmic software) and second of the self-determining agency of technology, rather than technology being the product of social forces and relations themselves. In both senses, capitalist social structures are let off the hook too easily.

Neither of these is the case, and I think journalists are doing a real injustice by framing things in this way. As I wrote in “Ruthless Criticism of All that Exists”, the idea that there is some kind of non-algorithmic code is wrong. When Twitter introduced its relevance-sorted tweets a number of years ago, people complained that the “algorithmic” Twitter feed was worse than the previous one (sorted by most-recent). The idea was that the most-recent-first sort order, because it was the original, had been changed, had been made algorithmic. But most-recent-first sorting is just as much an algorithm as relevancy-sort. There are two reasons, I think, why most-recent-sort seemed some how neutral, unbiased, and “non-algorithmic”: in the first place it was the original, and UX designers know that a long-standing feature gains the appearance of natural, or unmarked (to use a term from semiotic which will become important in a minute). A change to a UX element - the change from one algorithm to another - seems to introduce something extra, which is why changes to user interface often provoke anger until the new UX element becomes acceptable as normal. The other reason I think most-recent-sort seemed non-algorithmic is that the algorithm it encodes is straightforward and commonplace: we all understand a chronological ordering. On the other hand, relevance-sorting is mysterious and esoteric - anyone who has looked at the Solr index’s relevance configuration file knows just how many weighted settings there are to control a relevancy-sort. So the more easily understood algorithm appears non-algorithmic compared to the more complex and myesterious (black-box) kind of algorithm.

So, the first thing to understand is that all software is composed (and only composed) of algorithms. This ultra-simple piece of Ruby code encodes two algorithms:

def sum_of_three_numbers(a, b, c)
  return a + b + c

puts sum_of_three_numbers(2, 6, 8)
=> 16

The algorithms are as follows: “To find the sum of three numbers take each number in turn and add them together” and “Find the sum of 2, 6, and 8 and print the result”. Algorithms may be complex, but they are not esoteric - they are the basic building blocks of computer programming.

I said above that I didn’t like the term bias, as it implied some kind of unbiased algorithm. In reality, because an algorithm is an abstraction, and so necessarily selective, algorithms always privilege some aspect of reality over others. I think this may lie at the heart of programmers’ unwillingness to accept algorithmic bias: they don’t understand that their algorithms are always abstractions and that abstractions always privilege some aspect of reality over others.

Now, programmers can either develop the algorithms they need on their own - writing a bubble sort, for example, to implement a sorting algorithm, or they can receive the already-abstracted rules of the algorithm from someone else. These are the “business rules” that often come from an employer or parent organization and that have to be implemented in a computer system. Programmers turn these business rules into algorithms and data, and encode them in software. So now we can see that the selective abstraction of reality occurs both when the programmer writes code and when the organization develops business rules. Bias - or really, the marked and unmarked structures of preference, value, exploitation, and power - enter the program via these two vectors.

In semiotics, there’s the concept of marked and unmarked parts of a binary pair. The unmarked part is the one that is taken for granted, normal, default, unremarkable - in racial, patriarchal capital, the unmarked elements have significant social power: white, male, cisgendered, neurotypical, etc, etc. Any reference to the opposite value of the binary pair is marked because it sticks out, it seems unusual, abnormal, wrong. All of this makes sense only against particular backgrounds and contexts. (I learned about this in the course of my music degree, where unmarked elements compose the “normal” musical background while marked elements are stylistically significant, but the social background is even more complex and acculturating).

Algorithmic bias - whether it comes from the programmer or from the business rules - tends to arise (but not always) from the encoding of the unmarked element of the pair without considering the marked element or the social and political context. This is a social problem, not simply a programming problem. When, in a concrete example that made the news a number of years ago, the following logic is encoded as part of an algorithm:

if (title == "doctor") then (gender = "male")

This is due to the unmarked privilege of masculinity, and the association of masculinity with authority. The bias is not necessarily added in to the algorithm - though it does have to be made explicit within it, at some point - but arises from the social situation and position of the programmer or whoever develops the business logic in particular structures of privilege, domination, and power. Note that it is not simply that the logical statement written above is wrong, but that the programmer who encodes it does not see it as wrong, even in the face of their own empirical experience. Ideology trumps the positivism of fact.

There are two things, then, that might help remedy this situation among software developers. One is the recognition of the causal power of social structures to determine seemingly pure and impersonal (“scientific” or “mathematical”) processes like writing code. This is the very granular level at which the problem must be addressed. The other is the broader social question of structures of power, the structuration of individuals, the dialectic of structure and agency. This, indeed, is a problem not restricted to engineers or computer programmers, but connects with issues of ideology and political understanding, of social theory, and the individualism and “freedom” of bourgeois capitalism.

There’s obviously a lot more detail that should be gone into here, especially with respect to the data question (positivism implies that data are “facts about the world” that are simply gathered, but the same selective abstraction and construction of structures of oppression occurs in data as well. What are the consequences for linked data ontologies?), but also with the ways in which decision points and other flow logic which - as opposed to the if/then statement above - do not seem to explictly encode markedness or privilege, in fact do so. But this post is long enough already. I may revisit some of these more specific elements later on. In the meantime, if you haven’t already, definitely read Safiya Noble Algorithms of Oppression, Marie Hicks Programmed Inequality, and Ruha Benjamin Race After Technology.


Sam Popowich

Discovery and Web Services Librarian, University of Alberta

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