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It’s been a while since I’ve written a blog post on technology or programming, but this week I returned to some legacy code I wrote when I arrived at University of Alberta and inherited a programming project. The details of the project are unimportant; what I found interesting returning to it after all these years was the effect of the intervening years. When I initially wrote the application, I had just gotten the Ruby language firmly in my head - it was, and still is, the language I know best, though these days I’m very rusty. I read Sandi Metz’ now-classic Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby, as well as David West’s Object Thinking, which is language-agnostic, but alongside POODR really helped me think about object-oriented design.

When I took computer science back in the mid-90s, learning Pascal and Motorola 64000 assembly, we were taught structured imperative design: break your programs up into functions for ease of reasoning, but basically you’re giving commands to a processor one at a time. When I tried to grok object-oriented programming through C++ and Java, I got a bit lost (later, I ended up doing a fair amount of Java web programming at University of Ottawa, which helped, but I relied so heavily on the IDE that I don’t feel I learned very much). So anyway, increased familiarity with Ruby, plus POODR and Object Thinking made me finally grasp OO-design, so that’s what I built my programs in.

The basic idea of OO design is that there are things that exist in your application, and those things interact. It’s a very ontological way of thinking about software, and is often said to rely on nouns rather than verbs. Those things, called objects, are defined as classes, which have properties and behaviours, and can inherit and pass on those properties/behaviours to classes higher and lower in the taxonomy. When your program runs, those classes get instantiated in memory, and are considered objects. Objects have methods which, naively, if you learned structured imperative programming like I did, you would think of as functions operating on the data stored in the object as properties. POODR does a great job explaining why this way of thinking is wrong: those “functions” (really methods) are better off being thought of as mechanisms for sending or receiving messages between objects. They are the public interface of interacting and interrelating objects.

One thing OO design does is changes the idea of program flow. In imperative programming, you tend to think of a program as beginning, issuing some commands to the computer or manipulating some data, then ending. OO design allows you to think about an ecosystem of interrelated data objects that don’t necessarily have a teleology, but exist in memory as members of an interconnected whole.

After writing my OO programs, I became interested in functional programming (a third paradigm to add to imperative and object-oriented), and so I learned Clojure. Again, FP had been really really hard to grok, but at some point, working with Clojure, I figure it out. Coding in FP is mentally a very different process than designing in OO. With OO, you try to design as much as you can upfront. Using something like the Unified Modeling Language (UML) you might plan out all your objects, their properties and behaviours, in advance, on index cards or something. All the behaviour of the application is, essentially, predetermined. In some sense, OO is deterministic; where indeterminacy comes in (and is often the cause of bugs) is with the mutability of data. With FP, you don’t design in that way. You think of the simplest data manipulations and you start with those. You construct the simplest functions that do a single well-defined thing, and once some of those are built, then you use them to construct more complex functions, etc, etc. The end result is, to my mind, a much simpler and more elegant complete program, but it’s one that relies less on up-front design and more on emergence.

I’ve written about emergence on the blog before - the idea that new properties or behaviour emerge in a higher level of organization than exist at a lower level. A static example is water, which has different properties than either hydrogen or oxygen on their own. A more dynamic example would be ant colony behaviour, which emerges from but is not reducible to the behaviour of individual ants. The patterns formed by cellular automata are another example of emergence. Emergence is often a characteristic of “complex systems”.

Functional programming design can be considered emergent in the sense that the complexity of the program emerges from but is not reducible to the individual functions. But it’s emergent in another way, in that FP has this idea - which comes, I think, from Smalltalk - that you can and should be able to interact with a running program. Because pure functions in FP have no side effects and data is immutable, modifying a running program is in some senses much safer than it would be in the interconnected ecology of predetermined object behaviour. Changing a function in a running system changes the emergent behaviour of the whole, the way changing the rule for a cell in a cellular automaton would produce a different pattern.

Anyway, I returned this week to a program I had written as orthodox OO about a decade ago to redesign a significant chunk of (fragile) functionality. Since learning Clojure, functional programming had so deeply entered my programming mind, that the simplest way to approach the problem (which is essentially a complex data transformation project with lots of insonsistency and edge cases) was the functional approach. Luckily, despite mostly being used in an OO context, Ruby lends itself well to functional style. In the end I wrote a functional-flavoured (not strictly functional, as I used a lot of non-functional elements to save time and energy) Ruby program to cover the redesigned part of the original program, wrapped it in a module, and mixed it into the original, larger code base.

I don’t know that this story has any deeper significance, more than just as an example of continued learning, observation, and understanding what you’re doing. Habits of thought and perspectives change, and its good to take some time occasionally to take a look at your work from outside to see how and why that’s happening. In many ways over the years I’ve gone from being comfortable with change to actively craving it. The quarantine lockdown has been difficult in that respect, as I tend to like change. All these days of the same structure and pattern is hard to take. Perhaps that’s why I’ve embraced FP over the determinism of OO; I’m not someone who likes to do a lot of up-front design - I’d rather dive in and let the end result emerge from the work itself.

I can see this in the way I write, too, come to think of it. I don’t plan or outline; I might jot down a few notes, but really, I just start writing and see where it takes me. The text emerges from the momentary thoughts I have at any given point. This means I have to rewrite a lot, and I end up going through a lot more drafts than I would, I think, if the text was more predetermined through upfront planning and outlining. There’s something intuitive, performative, improvisatory in this way of working that I enjoy (there’s a connection here, I think, with Gadamer and hermeneutics as well). Not to say that other approaches are wrong. As the motto of the Vulcans goes, there is “infinite diversity in infinite combinations”. Uniformity is death.


Sam Popowich

Discovery and Web Services Librarian, University of Alberta

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