
I first wrote about John Pateman around this time last year, responding to one of his Open Shelf columns about what Pateman understands as the “true community-led library” (an example of the No True Scotsman fallacy). As I said in “Public Libraries, History, and the State”, Pateman isn’t exactly wrong...

In discussing classical liberalism, the Oxford University Press Introduction to Politics (Second Canadian Edition) writes that “the liberal critique of fascism as ideologies is a reflection of a tendency among some liberals to regard liberalism as somehow above the ideological fray” and quotes Barbara Goodwin’s Using Political Ideas. The full...

Jacques Rancière, The Ignorant Schoolmaster: Five Lessons in Intellectual Emancipation, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1991. There are books that you read at exactly the right time. I have been struggling with a long time with the feeling that libraries are without a mission, without a solid, concrete purpose. All our...

Ursula Franklin, The Real World of Technology (Toronto: House of Anansi, 1999) The title of Franklin’s 1987 Massey Lectures are an homage to C.B. Macpherson’s 1964 Lectures, The Real World of Democracy. Macpherson saw the Soviet and Post-Colonial states of the mid-sixties as challengers to the Western Liberal Democracy to...

On May 5 and 6 of this year, I attended a conference on “Precarious Academic Labour in the Age of Neoliberalism” at Okanagan College in Kelowna, BC. I had initially put in a proposal to talk about precarity and academic librarianship with a fairly broad view of what precarity entails....