
Yesterday, a blog post by Kevin Seeber was making the rounds, and while it struck a chord with a lot of people, I think there are some problems with the way Seeber frames the question of collections. Mainly, I think the problem is that while Seeber is right that “libraries...

Yesterday, I finally had a chance to read the CFLA Position Statement on Indigenous Knowledge and the Copyright Act. What I took away from the Statement - and subsequently tweeted about - was that CFLA promoted the protection of Indigenous Knowledge within the existing regime of Copyright Law and (European)...

Note: what follows are my own impressions and evaluations, and don’t necessarily represent the views of the other organizers, presenters, or attendees. Yesterday was the first annual (we hope) Politics of Libraries conference, held at the School of Library and Information Studies, University of Alberta. The conference was organized by...

Two interesting tweets showed up in my timeline today, one by April Hathcock and a reponse by @hayzeus89. The gist of the tweets was that, given the increasing recognition of a PhD in place of an MLIS, then we should also accept years of service in non-MLIS positions, in effect...

Yesterday evening, I made an off-the-cuff tweet about university central administrations abdicating responsibilities which libraries then pick up out of a sense of confusion around the role of the library in the university, and the consequent necessity to keep proving our “value”. Under some probing by Lisa Hinchliffe, I realized...