
This morning I went to the Edmonton Public Library’s Leader-in-Residence panel on Intellectual Freedom. Toni Samek, Jim Turk, and Gail DeVos were the panelists and it was moderated by Alvin Schrader. I didn’t know Gail DeVos, but Toni, Jim, and Alvin have all been active participants in the intellectual freedom...

I’m not sure anyone will be interested in this, and it feels a little narcissistic to write this post, but I wanted to capture what’s currently going on in my life. As of August 1, 2018, I have gone on a one-year research leave from University of Alberta Libraries. I...

I don’t normally weigh in on scholcomm discussions, as that isn’t really my area. However, reading Aaron Tay’s interesting blog post “Can posting a preprint be morally wrong?” got me thinking. The issue Tay is investigating is the bioRxiv preprint wall of shame and hinges on questions of what constitutes...

NOTE: What follows are a few notes on one aspect of the current ALA debacle. April Hathcock and Carrie Wade have both written more important and significant contributions, which you should read before (or instead of) mine. The realm of freedom really begins only where labour determined by necessity and...

In a recent Guardian article on the state of Canada’s libraries, Vickery Bowles, the Chief Librarian of TPL, is quoted as saying, “Access to information and pathways to learning were the great equalisers of the 20th century.” According to the writer of the article, Bowles “sees a vital role of...