
Caveat: The dharma that can be spoken is no dharma at all. I’ve been thinking/reading a lot about dialectics lately, especially the relationship between Hegel’s idealist dialectic and the materialist dialectic of Marx and Engels. But I’ve also been doing a lot of yoga - this week, I did an...

J. Moufawad-Paul, Austerity Apparatus (Montreal: Kersplebedeb, 2017). Moufawad-Paul, who blogs at M-L-M Mayhem is the author of two previous books: The Communist Necessity(2014) and Continuity and Rupture: Philosophy in the Maoist Terrain(2016). Austerity Apparatus rounds out a trilogy of sorts focused on the need to revitalize the theory and practice...

Richard Norman and Sean Sayers, Hegel, Marx and Dialectic: A Debate, Brighton: Harvester Press, 1980. First of all, I never intended to read this book. Last Thursday I was looking for a copy of Hegel’s Shorter Logic in our Humanities and Social Sciences collection, which wasn’t on the shelf, so...

This post was inspired by a couple of tweets by Ryan Regier: Understand that authors want to get paid, maybe need to rework our fair dealing arguments so we show how fair dealing ultimately helps them?— Ryan Regier (@ryregier) July 14, 2017 These tweets got me thinking about the contradictions...

The dialectic that Marx adapted from Hegel sees the world as categories which are constantly changing, dependent on history and the way in which they interact with other categories. Human perception can only “grasp” these categories at specific moments in time, freezing them and seeing only particular aspects of them...