
There are two things I’ve noticed recently in discussion of Marxism on the one hand and political economy on the other, and I think I’ve finally figured out how they’re connected. In the first place, we have an image of Marxism as rigid, deterministic, or “programmatic”, which always strikes me...

The rise of Marx-based Social Democracy among the revolutionaries in Russia depended crucially on the growing conviction that a political revolution had to precede a social revolution. Lars T. Lih, Lenin Rediscovered: What is to be Done in Context. In Lars Lih’s monumental book, he tries to place Lenin and...

In “Algorithmic Bias and the ‘Fragment on Machines’” I quoted Marx’s Grundrisse, where it describes how the development of fixed capital (specifically tools, machinery, and automation) embody the built-up intellectual development of a given society. Marx writes that “the development of fixed capital indicates to what degree general social knowledge...

On this blog I am very critical of what I see as a hegemonic view of intellectual freedom, a view which arises out of a mainly unquestioned liberal perspective. My main criticism is that this view employs an abstract value - “freedom” - divorced from social, political, and material realities...

These books seemed to be about a life he had never encountered - a life where there were no barracks, no strict-regime camps, no brigade leaders, no armed guards, no security officers, no systems of internal passports, and none of the sufferings, anxieties, and passions that made up the lives...