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NOTE: I imagine there must be a way to connect “values” in programming with Marx’s theory of value, but I’m not sure what that is, and it’s beyond the scope of this post.

My friend Kyle let me know about this post on “Clojure vs. The Static Typing World”, which was a reflection on Rich Hickey’s keynote at Clojure/conj 2017. Kyle drew a particular passage to my attention: “Rich talked about types… as concretions, not abstractions. I very much agree with him on this point, so much so that I didn’t know it wasn’t common sense.”

But, on further consideration, I guess I’m not that surprised. People often talk about a Person class representing a person. But it doesn’t. It represents information about a person. A Person type, with certain fields of given types, is a concrete choice about what information you want to keep out of all of the possible choices of what information to track about a person. An abstraction would ignore the particulars and let you store any information about a person. And while you’re at it, it might as well let you store information about anything. There’s something deeper there, which is about having a higher-order notion of data.

This brought to mind a passage by Marx in the Grundrisse, where he discusses his methodology. This passage has been commented on and discussed many times since the publication of the Grundrisse, but it seems to me that by connecting some of these ideas (political economy and data/software) we might be able to think through some of the aspects of immaterial labour and value in the works of, for example, Maurizio Lazzarato, Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri. In the 1857 Introduction, Marx writes that

The concrete is concrete because it is the concentration of many determinations, hence unity of the diverse. It appears in the process of thinking, therefore, as a process of concentration, as a result, not as a point of departure, even though it is the point of departure in reality and hence also the point of departure for observation and conception. (p. 101).

For Marx the concrete, that which is represented by a class or another non-primitive datatype, is what we begin with, what we see around us. We see a Person or a Car or we are faced with a User. The process of analysis allows us to break apart (ἀνάλυσις, to unravel) these concrete phenomena into the abstract qualities or values that make them up. In this sense the abstractions determine the form of the concrete thing. My height is 5’4” - this is an abstract value that is one determinant of my concrete being; I am a Person with a height of 164.5cm.

Values do not change; they are immutable. 5’4” does not become a different value when I represent it in a different form (164cm). This doesn’t mean that units of measurement are a- or trans-historical; the Greek, Roman, Chinese, French and English “foot” do not refer to the same absolutel length - but the length encoded in 5’4” in 2017 is an unchanging value.

42 doesn’t change. June 29th 2008 doesn’t change. Points don’t move, dates don’t change, no matter what some bad class libraries may cause you to believe. Even aggregates are values. The set of my favorite foods doesn’t change, i.e. if I prefer different foods in the future, that will be a different set.

This immutability of value is one of the cornerstones of Clojure. As Chas Emerick, Brian Carper, and Christoph Grand wrote in Clojure Programming:

Most programming languages, either through idiom or explicit design, encourage the use of mutable state, whether within the guise of objects or not. Functional programming languages tend to encourage the use of immutable objects—referred to as values—to represent program state. Clojure is no different in this respect.

In some ways the idea of immutable state would seem to support standard formal logic (what Engels calls “metaphysical” logic). A is always A and is never not-A. But Hickey’s recognition of concretions as the “concentrations of many determinations” allows us to recognize the dialectical logic embedded within the Clojure view of types. The concretion, the making concrete, occurs at a particular moment in time. The Clojure documentation refers to identity (i.e. A = A) as an “entity that has a state, which is its value at a point in time”. So we have, in a sense a “synchronic” view of state, where state is not changing historically, but is a sequence of static, immutable snapshots in succession (this is similar to the Saussurean view of language which informed Structuralism). In this view, we started with the concrete phenomenon – A or Person – and then we broke it down into its component values (height, for example). But we don’t work with the abstractions, just as in the real world I don’t appear as a height with brown hair, I appear as a person. By working back up from the abstractions to the concretions we can ensure the correctness of our modeling (does this type interact with other types as they would in the real world).

And the real world does change, it is mutable. The Clojure view of state, then, does allow for a dialectical unfolding of identities over time.

Identities are mental tools we use to superimpose continuity on a world which is constantly, functionally, creating new values of itself.

State at one moment can contradict state at another moment, in the sense that the total state changes over time, and Clojure allows for working safely with this kind of contradiction. Indeed, it is precisely the immutability of the abstractions (values) that provide the ability for a program’s state to change safely over time; a very dialectical view of the running of software over time.

There is, naturally, a danger in believing the world to always be synchronic, that is, ahistorical; this is precisely Marx’s argument in the Grundrisse, that the classical economists did the work of analysis to come up with abstractions, but then stopped there: with a view of the world that they believed to be true, unchanging, and transhistorical. Marx’s solution is to extend the methodology to return again to the concrete (this is the the method of presentation of Capital, for example). But the post I began with does a good job, I think, identifying a mitigating strategy, which is the pragmatism of solving real-world problems. If we want to set up a model of the way the world works or the problem we want to solve in software, that is only half the solution. The model must work in the real world; in many ways, software should conform to Marx’s famous 11th thesis on Feuerbach, which is quoted only too often today: “The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point is to change it.” Useful software is effective software.

All of Rich Hickey’s talks are fantastic - to find out more about his idea of programming with values, it’s worth watching his 2012 Keynote “The Value of Values”.


Sam Popowich

Discovery and Web Services Librarian, University of Alberta

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